Bamboo Root Barrier

In recent years we have slowly reduced our selection of bamboos for sale and with the move to the new nursery we have stopped growing bamboo altogether. We do still stock bamboo rhizome control or root barrier for short! When planting stronger growing bamboos, using root control is very important.

Hardy Bamboo are suitable for growing in the UK. Here at Todd's Botanics we have hand-picked a selection of the most popular, non-invasive bamboos that are best suited for growth in the UK. All the bamboos we stock for UK delivery are clump-forming varieties; these are the bamboos that are easiest to control making them most suitable for regular gardens.

Bamboo can be used in many ways as either an architectural or ornamental fixture in your garden. Bamboo can make an ideal screen to help divide your garden without restricting light. It can also be made to grow along fences with the aid of rhizome root barrier or allowed to spread out to fill beds and open spaces as required. However you choose to plant your bamboo, you will be treated to the distinctive, relaxing whisper when the breeze catches the shoots and leaves.

Phyllostaschys is one of our most popular bamboo types, available in both a colourful or in a highly-distinctive black variety (our best-seller). Fargesia is a much more slender bamboo with delicate green leaves and distinctive red canes which change colour with the seasons. We stock Bamboos to buy from 1.25 to 2.50 metres (although some can continue to grow to more than 3m depending on conditions).

Todd's Botanics know the importance of caring for your bamboo. Any bamboo you buy from us will be delivered with a set of care notes to ensure you can maintain the health and maximise growth of your plant. You can also visit our online library to view our bamboo care instructions.


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