Todd's Botanics is a specialist plant nursery in the beautiful countryside of North Essex. We also offer a range of plants for sale online. To see our range of plants for sale please click here.
Our team is headed up by Mark and Emma Macdonald, who started Todd's Botanics in 2004. Supported by Emma B, Rob, Connie, David and the boys.
All of our plants are available to purchase online and can be delivered nationwide. We can also offer a full planting service for our specimen olives, whether they are going in the ground, container or raised bed. Please get in touch for costings on this service. Prices will be based on location, site access and the size of the trees involved.
If you can't find what you're looking for please get in touch and we'll be more than happy to help.
Sadly this is a service we are not currently offering. With a growing family and a new nursery to get ship shape the design and landscaping services have to go on hold. We are happy to offer suggested landscapers for many areas of the country if you are looking for recommendations.
At Todd's Botanics we specialise in drought tolerant plants and trees. We stock many statement plants and trees which are either grown by us or hand selected from Europe's specialist suppliers. We stock a wide range of ancient olive trees, palms, bay, hollies and tree ferns as well as succulents, grasses, ferns and other select perennials. Canna, Dahlia and other hardy exotic plants feature strongly for us with an ever growing range. Please note we only sell through our website - we are no longer open to customers at the nursery.
Our Recent Awards
Our History
Established in 2004, Todd's Botanics is the creation of Mark and Emma Macdonald who met while studying at Pershore College. Emma specialised in Garden Design, and spent time working at Great Dixter, Beth Chatto, Le Manoir, the BBC and Notcutts Landscapes while Mark studied Commercial Horticulture and went on to manage an exotic plant nursery based in the Midlands.
Until autumn 2018 Todds Botanics was based in Coggeshall, Essex. We have since relocated to a new site where unfortunately we are no longer open to the public - we sell our plants through our website and at horticultural shows. We are also happy to send detailed photos and measurements by email of our larger stock, please get in touch.
The Team

Emma is Rob's wife and handles the nursery day to day with caring for plants and dispctach of the mail order, she normally has at least one of her brood in tow!

Rob takes care of some of Todd's Botanics larger deliveries as well as helping with show builds and breakdowns, and landscaping work on the new nursery site. (when he's not playing around with a tractor). He's been around the nursery since it's inception and is much loved by all.

helps with keeping the website in check and all things behind the scenes in running order!

Fergus and Arthur like to be hands on at the nursery. Watering and potting seem to be the preferred jobs to help with. Now 13 and 15 they take a little more persuding!

is Emma's father and has been all round helper since almost the first year of business. I think we may need to find a better picture of him!

has now retired from her time at Todd's Botanics and concentrates her time on Vaso Toscano which supplies the most beautifuland Italian terracotta pots of all sizes.

Lou is an Alpaca farmer from Shropshire. She was a key helper throughout the show season (in our show scene days) with a never-ending stream of smiles and enthusiasm, and willing help from her 'Poo Crew'.
She has some beautiful Alpaca based products for sale on her website.