The beauty of the Loquat Tree (Eriobotryia japonica)
We stock the wonderful Eriobotrya japonica or Loquat tree that looks as though they might belong in a rain forest They are an evergreen tree that has really quite a large deeply veined leaf (up to 12 inches) that looks lusciously tropical and dramatic. Being evergreen and hardy its a wonder that they are not more widley used, they look great planted amongst other large leaved plants or planted as a specimen tree. They can flower after a good summer usually around September/October, the flowers are highly scented but usually right at the top of the tree, the fruit developes after but doesn't really overwinter in this country. In my garden they make a fantastic screen along one border as the the trunks are tall and the evergreen foliage blocks the neighbouring buildings, this allows plenty of light and space for underplanting! So a great alterantive to pleached hedging or bamboo screens. In Spain they are referred to as Nispero, or they can be known as the Japanese Medlar even though they originate from China!