| Buy Bearded Iris

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Pot size - 2 litre

Please note:

between the months of November and March, there may be no visible signs of growth.

Customer Feedback
Care Notes

Very pretty Iris; on a quick glance you would think pale caramel yellow but look closely, the falls look as though they have been gently brushed with a pink watercolour. The beard is bight orange-yellow and the petals have the finest frill on the very edges. Delightfully scented.

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  • Planting Open Close

    Iris like a very well drained soil and lots of sunshine to bake their rhizomes, this will help to produce more flower spikes the following year. They should not sit with their 'feet' in water, as they will not root.
    The rhizomes should be placed on the soil surface preferable in a north south orientation with the foliage end pointing north and the rhizome facing south. The rhizomes should then be gently "snuggled" down so that less than half of the rhizome is buried.
    Keep other plants from covering the rhizomes as they need to bake in the sun. Water in well for the first month to allow the roots to develop. Cut back spent foliage in late summer and split every 3 years for great flowering.
