Miscanthus sinensis 'Strictus'
Pot Size:5 litre
Final Height: 1.8-2.0 metres
Flower Colour: Light Pink
Yellow striped foliage
Miscanthus sinensis 'Strictus' is a very popular ornamental grass because of its unusual markings, its bright green leaves are soft and a little wider than the average Miscanthus and it has a striking yellow band across the leaf, very simlar to Miscanthus sinensis 'Zebrinus' but a little bigger in stature. Miscanthus 'Strictus' also has an AGM (Award of Garden Merit). This grass looks particularly stunning planted along with other great late summer flowering plants such as Rudbeckia and Helenium, or why not be bold and plant en masse; It looks amazing in a gently sweeping border with either just 'Strictus' or with other contrasting ornamental grasses. Very James van Sweden!
The flowers it produces are a lovely silvery colour and are very soft and tactile like all miscanthus flowers. Its a very hardy grass and loves any good retentive soil in a sunny position. The height reaches approximately 1.5 - 2.5M.