Grasses And Ferns

Ornamental Grasses should be used in every garden. They are fantastic for providing texture and height and their architectural form over winter is a welcome sight. Ornamental grasses are very easy to look after, just cut down to the ground once a year, evergreen ornamental grasses will  only need a little comb through. Give a little thought about where you want to plant your ornamental grass; a Miscanthus sinensis backlit by sunshine is a truly spectacular sight!

We are so pleased to be able to offer a selection of our favourite ground ferns, we really couldn't do without ferns in the garden, they provide the depth and structure in those tricky shaded areas of the garden and are soft and textural. They look great all year round and also are suitable for growing in pots. The ferns we have chosen are noted for their great shape and beautiful foliage.

All of our ornamental grasses and ferns are available on our Next Day Service for £9.95 delivery regardless of quantity.

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